★Vol.49世界初!、これは奇跡!、上空に現れる不思議な光体!The mysterious luminous object which appears over the sky!




The first of the world! This is a miracle! The mysterious luminous object which appears over the sky!

Explanation : The first photo is the place where we received a message to build a facility in this place. Komyo(Blue dragon)’s iPhone in his pocket was switched on arbitrarily and took a photo.

In the photo, lots of large luminous bodies have been reflected.

The second photo, in the above of the sun in the upper sky, the bottom of a huge brown colored object has been reflected and the bottom part of the object shines for just a moment.

The third photo is a movie that taken in a place where there might be ancient ruins. However as same as the second photo, above the sun in the sky, the bottom of a huge brown colored object has been reflected and shining egg-shaped luminous body appears in the bottom of the object.
