☆羽を閉じたカラスに擬態したUFOが高速で飛ぶ。The flying crow at a high speed that has same wings as UFO mimicking a crow with closed wings.…(Vol.83) 羽を閉じたカラスに擬態したUFOと同じ羽を閉 続きを読む
☆高速で飛行する30cm〜40cmの巨大なカマキリのようなUMA。 We have taken UMA that is alike a giant mantis from 30cm to 40cm …(Vol.66) 車の周りの時空間が歪んで様々な高次元の存在が 続きを読む
☆緑色に光る3機の光の民のUFOがこの車を守る! three UFOs of light presence with glowing green that have protected this car.…(Vol.61) 車を守る緑色に光る3機の光の民のUFOもとら 続きを読む
☆光る妖精のようなものも多数飛んでいます。Lots of fairy-like things also have been flying.…(Vol.63) 十三湖にて、光の民のUFOが無数の虫に擬態し 続きを読む